Welcome to the first official blog for soiréebliss! Finally, after 9 years of working corporate events and volunteering my services to anyone I knew getting married, I am turning my dreams into reality. Taking the steps towards being a business owner has been very exciting, scary and absolutely exhilarating.
You may be wondering how I came up with the name. For those who know me, know I'm pretty high energy and down right perky. So, it's fitting to have a name that reflects this same energy. Soirée is French for party. BLISS means happiness, ecstasy and delight. So if your going to have a party, it might as well be a delightful party full of much happiness and ecstasy. As a recent bride myself, I realized my wedding day was truly going to be one of the most memorable and elaborate "parties" I would host for my friends and family.
Let me tell you a little more about me:
- Originally a Midwesterner, lived in Texas for 7 years and actually miss the snow.
Favorite foods: deserts...any kind will do - Favorite drink: Starbucks nonfat, sugar-free vanilla latte
- Favorite comfort food: mash potatoes
- Favorite pass time: running. It's a love/hate relationship. It allows me to eat the deserts
- Favorite color combination: Apple green with a black/white brocade pattern and bold colors
- Secret Talent: Ear wiggling
- Best planning tip: Stay organized...its a life savor in the hectic moments.
- Secret to life: Help others. Even if it's just holding a door open for an elderly. One small act of kindness can mean the world to the one receiving it.
I look forward to a long and happy journey as a wedding and event planner. Thank you for taking time to read my first post. I hope you choose to join me for the journey.